Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Went to Sun with Moon again! On Sunday. This time, with Clement and Chun Kit, my fellow bloggers (lol).
And I remembered to take a photo to put on this blog this time round..

One of my favourites there, Salmon Chiraishi Don! Mentioned before in one of my previous posts.

CK's order, Sukiyaki Nabe (NABEI!)

Clement's was same as mine, except he had steak for the side dish, so I didn't take a photo of his food. He wasn't sitting near enough for me to take a photo sitting down anyway =P


Wanted to write some more, but I'm getting lazy. Meh =x


Dragonmancer said...

You still haven't thought of the name for your talk show! =P

Unknown said...

I will complain that Jason haven't thought of the name yet in my blog tomorrow.

He is probably too busy playing his new PS3 games. =P