Let's start of with the PlayStation 3!
One of the first games I got. Being a fan of the series (even though I only played DMC3, both Dante's Awakening and Special Edition), how could I not get this game? Heck it's one of the reasons I wanted to get a PS3 in the first place!
The game was awesome, with all the action and combos I could do. Even though more loyal fans might complain about the addition of a new main character, Nero, I think it wasn't bad at all. You get a totally new way of kicking those demons' asses.
rating: 4/5 - I personally like it better than 'almost' similar games like Darksiders, Dante's Inferno, or the likes.
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
I put these 2 games together because.. well the latter (right) is essentially a sequel of the former. And this is a fighting game, and what happens to fighting games when they release a new version, is that they replace the old one. Eh I don't even know if I'm making any sense. Anyway:
A fan of some fighting games, this is definitely one of the best I've played. The graphics, including character sprites and background, is amazing. The storyline on it's own is really good. And the story mode presents itself in s Visual Novel kind of way. One of the best points of the game is the unique individual abilities each characters in the game can do. Coupled with all the fancy combos you can pull off, this is one enjoyable fighting game. Though like all fighting games, it's best enjoyed with more than 1 players.
rating: 4.5/5 - This is one of the games I never get tired of playing. With friends of course. Although playing against the AI is also fun, it kinda beats the purpose of a fighting game doesn't it?
This is THE reason I took off from my house suddenly, yes suddenly, on a whim, to go get myself a PS3!
The graphics in this game is absolutely amazing. Well you'd expect it since this IS a Final Fantasy game, from Square Enix. The gameplay is rather subjective.. The whole flow of the game is extremely linear, you just go down 1 straight road to progress through the game. Think of it as an 'interactive story book with amazing graphics'? The battle system though, was a new unique one. I'd say you have to be constantly monitoring what's happening in the battle and react accordingly, since the battle itself is Active Time.
rating: 4/5 - It was really enjoyable during my first playthrough. I always wanted to replay it, but.. I guess I'm just too lazy to go through all the troublesome stuff?
Resident Evil 5
One of my favourite games on PS3. Actually I am a fan of the series, but talking about the game itself, it's really good.
A 3rd person shooter, guns, zombie-like enemies, a story to go with. Zombie-like enemy killing, did I mention guns? This game is just plain fun, and it's not the nonsense killing kind of fun. This has alot of replayability value, to get enough cash to upgrade all your different weapons, etc. You have to play it yourself to understand.
One good thing about this game is, it allows a 2nd player to join your game, offline or online, to help you progress in your game. Of course if you play alone, the 2nd character is controlled by the AI, which is actually really good. But doesn't have enough sense to save ammo.
rating: 4.5/5 - I never get bored playing this. Being able to play with a friend is a bonus.
A game I missed out is Marvel VS Capcom 3. Kinda got lazy and decided not to do one for it. But I'll most probably say stuff similar to what I did for BlazBlue. Just that the entire cast of characters is different, of course the system etc are different. But it's just another fun fighting game with fancy combos and whatnot.
There are other titles in my possession, but they're borrowed. So maybe I'll just give a review about them next time.
Will do one of this for my NDS games too!
P.S. I'm having some frustrations about the formatting blogger does to my posts.. I guess I should just post using purely HTML next time..
I saw a 2nd-hand copy of FFXIII sold for S$30. Thought of buying it, but I think I should just borrow it from you instead.
The formatting annoys me sometimes too. But I still prefer it over pure html text. Too bland for me to type.
It's a matter of getting used to I guess.
For gameplay and storyline, I prefer Resident Evil 4 to 5. But RE5 have better replaying value. (I managed to complete the game in professional mode, PC ver. Haven't started on the other mini-games though)
Clement - Yea let's trade games~ I wanna try some games from your extensive library of PS2 games too!
CK - Well I only remembered playing RE4 at a cousin's house long ago so..
I should list my PS2 library too. Next blog post, I guess?
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